Paris Journal : Redemption and Transformation in Paris’ Green Spaces

To explore and record the transformation of those sites in Paris associated with a moment of violence in French history where all evidence of that violence has been replaced by beauty, peace, and relaxation.The work will be an exploration of the representation of differing states of energy, created and perceived in differing historical time periods and the corresponding commentary that can be made on the development of the city of Paris.The project will utilize research, photography and drawing to document existing conditions, inspire new artwork and blog posts, as well as potentially the publication of a documentary book to create a record of these transformations.It will involve research, new, interpretive artwork, and publication via a blog, expositions, and ultimately a book..

Jardin du luxembourg

While not the first chronologically, the first park I started researching was the Jardin du Luxembourg, so the story begins there.

After the assassination of her husband, Henry IV, Marie de Medicis…

Place de la grève

From the Jardin du Luxembourg we jump back across the Seine to the Hôtel de Ville and La Place de la Grève. Originally so named because of the sandy banks of the Seine,  the area was renamed in 1803 Place de l’Hôtel de ville…

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