Further Reflections on Wealth and Worth

I love how art and life take you to places you hadn’t planned on going to, and reveal riches you hadn’t imagined finding. The program for this piece was that all the interior shapes would be completely filled in, but after the bare outlines were constructed, it quickly became apparent that, empty-appearing as it seemed, it was actually teeming with life, and I needed to stop and let it breathe. That became a metaphor… as a desert often appears empty but is actually full of life, so our lives contain riches we might not be aware of, and the trick is to let our intuition lead us to the pot of gold that is under our feet.

2022.03.05 W and W N° 1_hr
2022.03.12 W and W N° 3_hr
2022.03.17 W and W N° 5_hr
2022.03.08 W and W N° 2_hr
2022.03.17 W and W N° 4_hr